The powerful wave of Artificial Intelligence has entered our lives and is jolting up everything around us. From home living to the corporate world, everything is becoming ‘smarter’ to ease our lives. Within the corporate sector too, the use of…
Continue Reading→Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are certainly the most talked about technologies of today. The trend of creating “smart” gadgets and devices is now becoming a norm. People have become much more dependent on computers for even the slightest of…
Continue Reading→AI’s rise in the recent past has been nothing short of miraculous. Its’ meteoric ascent at the technological world stage has filled everyone with excitement and wonder for the technologies future prospects. It has already started making its mark in…
Continue Reading→Artificial Intelligence is the most hyped, yet the most controversial technology of today. Undoubtedly, the power of AI is undeniable. However, the way in which it is taking over our lives has created an ambiance of fear for us. Especially,…
Continue Reading→Advent of AI AI is growing nowadays by leaps and bounds. Machine learning is enabling it to get into new vistas and horizons. Day by day its’ use in various fields is expanding. AI has been successfully applied to social…
Continue Reading→The rise of Artificial Intelligence has opened up new horizons of technology to us. The pace with which it is stepping into all walks of life, it seems that AI will be our next master in future. Although the benefits…
Continue Reading→Artificial intelligence is one of the most heated debates in the internet world. It has indeed kept everyone busy in pondering the pros and cons of this technology. However, the significant impact of AI in the call center industry is…
Continue Reading→Artificial Intelligence is being rapidly deployed in the call center industry to cope up the challenges of the time. The goal is to bring advancements and speediness in the overall client management amidst reducing the stress on human agents. Though…
Continue Reading→Call center industry is one of the most thriving sectors of today, owing to their number of implications in various other industries. Today, no business can survive without establishing robust customer support either on its own or via a call…
Continue Reading→In today’s world of extreme competition, it is imperative that business owners take care of each and every aspect of their companies in order to be successful in the market. In this vein, one thing that needs to be looked…
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