Business-to-business or B2B marketing can be referred to as the promotion of services and/or products to other businesses to be used in the production of goods, or to be sold to customers. It can also denote marketing goods that can…
Continue Reading→Customer experience can be enhanced by having a well-maintained call center. This is because it can help firms respond to their clients in a timely manner, and address their concerns right away. Hence, it is important for firms that can…
Continue Reading→Conflicting Viewpoints One of the leading proponents of warning about the danger of AI vis-à-vis job market is none other than Elon Musk, CEO of tesla and SpaceX. But there are few in the tech world who also seem to…
Continue Reading→Rise of AI AI is one of the most interesting phenomena taking place right now. And it’s impacting various fields in a way like never before. The case is no difference when it comes to ‘marketing Agencies’. Successful are those…
Continue Reading→Today, e-Commerce and entrepreneurship are being opted by a bulk of people. Consequently, the corporate world is being flooded with new firms each day. In such a scenario, the already competitive market environment is becoming more furious every second owing…
Continue Reading→Lead generation is the prime goal of every business, whether you are a startup entrepreneur or a corporate giant. Your campaign for lead generation solely marks the success rate of your business. The more sales you could generate over the…
Continue Reading→Call centers are the face of any company’s customer services and can play an important role in attracting and retaining a large customer base. They are the key to sales generation as well as building a strong relationship with potential…
Continue Reading→Running a call center is a momentous task. It involves fulfilling several responsibilities, and once everything is done right, it can be very beneficial for the firm. This is because a company that can afford to have a call center…
Continue Reading→Working in a call center is like a roller coaster ride: agents are required to put their best game forward in order to be considered competent at what they do. For them, time is the most important thing, and its…
Continue Reading→Opening any business takes a proper planning, commitment and a substantial investment. Not every business can afford to have it setup for their customers. However, the ones who can afford to have it will come to know the far-reaching benefits…
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